Agility circuit
This agility circuit is a very complete test to evaluate agility as a hybrid physical ability, since it includes turns, changes of direction, jumping over fences and steps over and under fences. This is a drill frequently used in the world of sports and training. With this test, acceleration, speed and the subject’s ability to make changes of position and direction can be measured.
- Required Material: A flat non-slip surface, 2 fences with flags, 2 cones and markings to delimit the course, a tape measure and a stopwatch.
- Procedure: The subject will set ready for the circuit course at one of the ends of the fence from a sprint start position behind the starting line (A). At the evaluator’s signal, the subject will run towards the cone on the opposite side and skirt it on the outside (B) to head towards the next fence and pass under it (C). After passing the fence, he/she should go to the other cone (D), skirt it on the outside and run to the other corner of the starting fence (E) to pass over it (see illustration). Finally, the subject must cross the circuit through the center and jump the last fence (F). Once the test is finished, it is advisable to repeat the circuit starting from the other end of the fence (E) and run the course in the opposite direction.
- Assessment: It is measured in seconds (sec) and the subject has a maximum of 3 attempts. In Fisicalcoach, the lowest time, as well as the mean and the median can be recorded.
- Remarks: This agility test is often used as an entrance exam to the degree of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, as well as for the Fire and Police Departments in many countries.
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